mié, 12 jul
Monthly Office Hour
Where the collective genius of a group of entrepreneurs gets together to discuss, ask and learn about remote business topic such as: marketing, selling, referral relationships, digital wellbeing, workflows, systems, etc
Horario y ubicación
12 jul 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT-7
Acerca del evento
This call only happens once a month! Use it wisely. To help you prep, begin gathering your long questions {screen sharing, long texts, paint the big picture sort of question} in your task manager. A week before our call, submit your questions in advance👉 in this link 👈. I will review your questions in advance and answer them in the order it was received {which will be announced in the beginning of the call}. You are welcome to come and leave at any time between the monthly office hours. 🤗 See you there!